Kingdom Apostolic Network (KAN) is a network of apostolic-prophetic ministries who are bonded together by a common heart and vision to bring the full restoration of the corporate church in the earth

To bring together five-fold and marketplace leaders that are willing to tear down and root out spiritual strongholds for the demonstration of God’s Kingdom in the earth.

To globally impact nations through divine connections by establishing kingdom ministries, equipping schools and wellness centers that minister to whole man.

Annual Meetings

Benefits of Covenant

KAN Leadership and those in this network have the following resources:

- Apostolic Covering, Accountability and Personal Relationship
- Interdenominational Networking (KFCM, C.I., etc…)
- Licensing, Credentialing and Ordinations/Affirmations
- Periodic Regional & National Gatherings (KFCM, etc…)
- Source of church growth and long range planning services
- Counsel & encouragement within the local church
- Personal Development, Leadership and other Educational Trainings from
many curriculums through its affiliation with

Kingdom Empowerment Institute (KEI).
Search the web: Kingdom Empowerment Institute

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